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We are going to MIX things up here during the election season. No matter who you support; I encourage you to vote! I want to see our nation HEALTHY. You may agree or disagree with some articles I RE-BLOG here. They are meant for nothing more than FOOD for Thought! I do not know how you arrived here and it does not matter. I assume you are seeking help with your health/weight to prevent future health challenges. Please make certain you LIKE the page while you are here and contact the ADMIN/Jane for additional information.

Let me say WELCOME TO GetHealthyJANE. It is the place for you!
This is not a page for purists; it is a page for normal people who do not want to get too WEIRD. Whatever you do as a result of being here will be great for you….it may not be perfect and it will be what can fit into your REALISTIC life. There are always better ways for everything. A better food at a health or organic store is an option and we know many people do not have that luxury. The local food store is what it is and you can make huge changes right there. Is this YOU? You are at the right place at the right time. GetHealthyJANE is excited for you.

There will always be those that do not support you since you will be getting healthier than they are. They will get over it!

There are always going to be occasions that your new food habits will be hard to follow. Dinner at a friends, a huge potluck at Church----just go and make great choices for you---no need to try to point out all of the unhealthy things there. Your impact with your actions and a great personality will be enough for all involved. IT will be LOUD. When the event is over, make sure you drink tons of water for natural cleansing and get back on track over the following 24 hours. People will love seeing you and the fellowship will be great and NOT WEIRD

GetHealthy will help you learn about foods to be drawn to at the market , in a restaurant, or online. You will be able to do it all. More simple and common sense knowledge than you could ever imagine. Yes, you will be LEARNING some things. It’s OK! You will become in touch with your body and how it reacts to simple food choices. Awesome! Habits will form.

I will be asking you to eat real food. You are in the wrong place if you want to form new habits with processed foods. GetHealthy focuses on food and drink. You are what you eat! (ever heard that?)

If honesty is not what you are looking for; click off this page NOW. I will guide you down the same path that I am walking. This is a journey of new habits for me as well as you. I believe in no coincidences. You were drawn here for a reason and it is my hope that you will become healthier and more pleased with YOU for being here.

If you could do it on your own, you may not have landed here. Now, you decide, is it time for You to take charge of YOU?

Will I fuss at you? No! Will I be direct with you? Yes! You have to take action, take time to learn things you do not know, and become accountable to You and Me! Got it?

Welcome to GetHealthyJANE focusing on GetHealthyYOU!

The page directs you to daily posts over at my Facebook GetHealthypage.  Please visit, look around, and LIKE.

Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Just a Reminder: “This is an Insurgency”… Posted on March 16, 2016 by sundance

RE-BLOGGED from TheConservativeTreehouse--
A common response to the shenanigans of the RNC/GOPe from the comments:
Major Chris Dickson USA (Ret):  “I just informed the RNC that after voting for over 46 years as a Republican, having served on Staff for U.S. Senator Dan Coats (R-IN), and having run as a Republican for the General Assembly, immediately following the Indiana primary I am leaving the Republican Party and going Independant. They no longer represent my core values because all they do is “Rubber-Stamp” everything Obama shoves at them!”
That’s exactly what the RNC hope you’ll do.
The goal of the RNC is to drive out those who don’t agree with them so the party remains with a small closed circle of narrow-minded sycophants. Then they close the party election to registered republicans, and you’re permanently locked out.
If you want to be able to effect change, you have to begin thinking of U.S. politics in general, and presidential politics specifically, as an insurgency.
Being part of a political insurgency means you accept the role of eliminating the RNC apparatus you dislike, by taking a more strategic approach and destroying them from the inside. Hence, the Trump approach, and our support for it.
trump lion
Expanding – It’s quite understandable to see such responses to the visible usurpation being displayed by the RNC apparatus writ large.   However, we cannot defeat the GOPe UniParty objectives by allowing them to control the battle-space.  We must elevate our thinking, elevate our approach and remain committed to a much larger objective.
When the MSM Corporate Media-Machine says, Trump is destroying the RNC/GOPe party apparatus, don’t go on defense; instead say: Yeah, so – it needs to be torn down.
When the pearl-clutching RINO class of cocktail republicans decry the vulgarian uprising, don’t defend it, put it right back in their face.  We vulgarians are the majority, deal with it.
When the ruling class want to dictate the terms of national discourse, refute them; don’t apologize for your terms being 180° divergent from their desired approach.  This is an insurgency.
We are part of the largest political upheaval in the history of modern politics. Embrace this fact.  Embrace each victory.  Break the cycle of “battered conservative syndrome“, and feel empowered by your position in the common sense majority.
The non-Trump coalition will have a much harder time getting to the 1237 delegates they need to ‘block trump’, than we will getting the 1237 delegates we need to destroy them.  They are in the minority.
Recently Speaker Paul Ryan was talking to the House of Representatives leadership when he was quoted as saying:

“we are the last line of defense to stop Donald Trump, from fundamentally destroying the modern republican [conservative] party”.

ryan waste fraud and abuse
Think about this carefully.   Speaker Ryan is essentially confirming his intention to usurp the will of the larger electorate in order to protect their cloistered Vichy Republican power and position at the trough.
We’ve got these bastards right where we want them, out in the open.  Now is not the time to bail out of the fight or party.

Have Tar – Need Feathers.